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Day: February 27, 2022

T.D. Jakes, The Fountainhead, Fever Pitch (1997), Simon Sinek, and a Japanese Proverb

Sunday Supplement #42 (February 27th, 2022)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”

– T.D. Jakes

Book of the Week:

The Fountainhead – Ayn Rand

Before any readers jump to conclusions about what I think about this book, know that I don’t agree with Ayn Rand’s Objectivism or the protagonist’s viewpoint in this novel.

The Fountainhead tells the story of Howard Roark, a single-minded young architect who navigates the 1920s New York, refusing to compromise the visions of his work.

The novel follows several different characters, including Peter Keating, a former classmate of Roark and nemesis who turns to Roark whenever encountering design problems, controversial Dominique Francon, and anti-Roark columnist Ellsworth Toohey.

Dominique Francon is one of the most controversial characters of the book and alternates between helping Roark and undermining him.

Ayn Rand’s novel came out in 1943 and is held in admiration or contempt by most. While I don’t enjoy the politics that came from the book or agree with them, I think the novel is brilliant. The prose is beautiful, and the story is epic.

Regardless of your conclusions, The Fountainhead elicits many thoughts and feelings throughout. It is a great novel and worth the read.

Movie of the Week:

Fever Pitch (1997)

The original British version of Fever Pitch tells the story of Paul Ashworth and his love of football. The origins of Paul’s love for the game and his team, Arsenal, were rooted in childhood and a figure in his life that he could always count on.

When Paul meets Sarah Hughes, a fellow English/Literature teacher at his primary school, Paul’s love of football begins to clash with his new relationship.

The movie explores relationship dynamics, childhood trauma, and love of sports in an insightful and hilarious way. The acting brilliantly supports the script with the likes of Colin Firth as Paul, Ruth Gemmell as Sarah, and Mark Strong as Paul’s friend Steve.

Author and screenwriter Nick Hornby penned the hilarious rom-com based on his non-fiction book of the same name. The book reads differently than the movie and is more of a football nerds’ book, while the film is a fun watch that most can enjoy.

The British author is known for High Fidelity and About a Boy. He also adapted the screenplays for An Education, and Brooklyn

Fever Pitch is Hornby’s first book but isn’t widely known outside the United Kingdom. The movie was remade starring Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon about the Boston Red Sox. I haven’t seen the American version, but I recommend checking out the British version.

Brainfood of the Week:

Where Passion Comes From | Simon Sinek

In Sunday Supplement #13 and #26, I feature a Simon Sinek video. He is an inspirational speaker and author of multiple best-selling books.

In this video, Sinek discusses passion and where it comes from. He explains that passion is an output, not an input. 

We feel passion when were are involved with something deeply personal. You can’t do what you’re passionate about, but you find something that you believe in, which will cause you to experience passion.

Sinek explains how we’re all passionate, but we aren’t all passionate about the same thing. Society can pressure us to have a vision or find our bliss, but trying to fit everyone into the same expectation is an unfair standard.

Sinek then answers the question, “How do you find what you believe in?” You don’t have to have a vision; you have to find one. If you find something that resonates with you, follow it and find a way to use your talents/gifts to contribute to it.

The video is an interesting look at what passion means at how we can pursue our passions. It’s a short video and worth the watch.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Even monkeys fall from trees” (猿も木から落ちる)

– Japanese Proverb

I love this saying. I think this captures the concept of getting up after falling down brilliantly. The slight humor in the situation is exactly how I think we should view our stumbles. 

We should always learn from mistakes, but when we embarrass ourselves, we should laugh and climb again without worry.

Fear of falling or failure can paralyze many. I often take baby steps when attempting something new, but I always embrace the moments where I leap and encourage myself regardless of the outcome.

I think it’s vital to approach life with the perspective that even the great can slip up. We shouldn’t be afraid. We should keep pursuing our adventures with joy.

I’m glad I came across this proverb in a post by Caitlin Sacasas on the language learning site Fluent in 3 Months. It brought a much-needed smile to my day, and I hope it does for you too.

Encourage yourself or another to keep pursuing their dream, and have a blessed week ahead!

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