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Day: July 30, 2023

Leo Tolstoy, The City and the Stars, 28 Days Later, Sadhguru, and a Bible Passage

Sunday Supplement #116 (July 30th, 2023)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

Please take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

– Leo Tolstoy

Book of the Week:

The City and the Stars – Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke is one of the legends of science fiction. His novel 2001: A Space Odyssey is probably his most well-known due to the Stanley Kubrick adaptation.

However, his bibliography of over 50 novels, novellas, and short story collections has many gems worth exploring.

The City and the Stars is set in the future city of Diaspar. Humanity built the Utopian city that ended up being the last refuge from alien invaders.

For a millennia, its protective dome shuts out the creeping decay and danger from the world outside. A Unique, born into the human population, sets out to test the city’s boundaries.

I’ve featured another Arthur C. Clarke novel in Sunday Supplement #49 worth checking out if you like the brilliant and thought-provoking The City and the Stars

Movie of the Week:

28 Days Later

Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later follows a London bike courier, Jim, after he wakes up from a coma one month after a zombie-like virus was unleashed in the UK.

Jim, played by Cillian Murphy, has no idea what transpired during his coma and has to adapt quickly with the help of survivors Selena (Naomie Harris) and Frank (Brendan Gleeson).

I’m not a huge fan of horror or zombie movies, but this film is a brilliant story about humanity in chaos and the will to survive.

The popular show The Walking Dead (adapted from the comics) took part of the premise of 28 Days Later for their story, which is a testament to the concept of the story.

I never watched The Walking Dead, but I can’t imagine it explores the premise more profoundly than 28 Days Later. Check the film out, and let me know what you think.

Brainfood of the Week:

Resisting Change is Resisting Life | Sadhguru

Sadhguru is an Indian yogi and bestselling author. His YouTube page has over 11 million followers and over 1.5 billion video views.

In this video, a woman asks Sadhguru about change and how she looked forward to change when she was younger but avoided it as she grew older.

Sadhguru discusses the comfort zones we create as we get older and how change creates disturbances in those comfort zones.

When we resist change, we create suffering through non-acceptance of life and what we can do about it.

I’ve featured Sadhguru videos in a few previous Sunday Supplements. Check them out if you enjoyed this video.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

– Ecclesiastes 3:1

This Bible passage could have many different interpretations. For me, I think of learning to accept situations and changing how you view them.

A classic example is a rainy day being miserable for some, but if you wear the appropriate clothes and have an umbrella, it can still be beautiful.

The seasons change, and this Bible quote reminds me to stay aware of the seasons in our life and to adjust appropriately.

It’s easy to wallow in bad times, but after accepting and processing any situation, it’s time to move forward.

See what situations you can positively change your approach to, and have a blessed week ahead!

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2021 © Drew Alexander Ross