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Author: Drew Alexander Ross

Plato, A Clockwork Orange, Howl’s Moving Castle, Alan Watts, and Quran 30:21

Sunday Supplement #16 (August 29th, 2021)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from this post that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.”

– Plato

Book of the Week:

A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess

Anthony Burgess is most recognized for the massive success of his novel A Clockwork Orange, which he gave credit to Stanley Kubrick for the movie adaptation. The film is a cinematic masterpiece for many reasons, but it is not a completely faithful adaptation of the novel. It also isn’t a great representation of Burgess’s work as a whole.

Most of Burgess’s creative writing was comedic, and he considered himself as much a composer as an author with over 250 musical pieces credited to his name. He was also a literary critic for The Observer and The Guardian and wrote studies of classic writers during his lifetime. For any who read A Clockwork Orange, though, it’s obvious why it’s his most famous work.

A Clockwork Orange takes place in a dystopian city that contains a youth subculture of acute violence. Gang leader, Alex, narrates his terrorizing journeys to the reader in a Russian-influenced English slang. Everything about the novel pushes the boundaries of good and evil and the meaning of human freedom. The primary arc of the book follows Alex’s adventures, his imprisonment for his crimes, and his subsequent release after he has been “reformed.” 

What most people will miss if they’ve only seen the Kubrick film is the final chapter the famous director omitted. This chapter brings an entirely different perspective to the end of the story and is worth the whole read to find out where Burgess intended to leave Alex. The novel takes a chapter or two to get used to the language, but it is well worth pursuing. It is on many top lists of “Greatest English Novels” and deserves its place in literary history.

Movie of the Week:

Howl’s Moving Castle

A shy young woman is cursed to an elderly age by a spiteful witch. Her only chance of reversing the curse is in the hands of a self-indulgent, insecure young wizard and his bizarre walking castle. 

I highlighted Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke in Sunday Supplement #2, and this is another gem from the acclaimed Japanese animation studio. Any one of their films is worth checking out, but this is one of their best. The theme of self-belief throughout the film creates an uplifting and wonderful watch.

The movie creates a beautiful blend of magic and realism. The internal journeys of each character have depth and meaning that come from a brilliantly adapted story. The scenery is breathtaking, and the magic in the film allows director Hayao Miyazaki to bring out the best of his creativity. I highly recommend the Japanese version, but you get Christian Bale, Billy Crystal, Emily Mortimer, Blythe Danner, and Lauren Bacall voicing the characters if you choose the English audio.

If you missed my post about Princess Mononoke, check it out, and add Howl’s Moving Castle to your list of animation films to watch. The former wasn’t nominated for Best Animated Film at the Academy Awards, but the latter was one of the picks, and both were deserving of the win. They are considered animated classics and wonderful films.

Brainfood of the Week:

An Alan Watts clip “Life is NOT a Journey” — animated by After Skool.

After Skool is a YouTube channel that animates videos as the backdrop to various life lessons presented by various individuals and texts.

Alan Watts is most known for breaking down and popularizing Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism for the Western world. He became known through his role as a volunteer programmer at KPFA radio station in Berkeley, California. Throughout his life, he wrote over 25 books and articles about religion and philosophy. The Way of Zen was one of the first bestselling books on Buddhism. Various of his other works put forth ideas and philosophies about human consciousness and existence.

In this video, Alan Watts talks about existence in the universe. He maintains that the universe is meant to be playful. He explains this through an analogy of music and art. The meaning in both is not determined by any destination but by the act itself. However, this concept is not something we see reflected in everyday conduct. The idea of a destination is brought on by many constructs in our society but often leaves the individual missing out on a deeper experience of life.

The After Skool video provides a cool animation of a brilliant monologue by Watts. It is a short clip and puts forth a positive perspective on engaging the world around us.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

– Quran 30:21

This passage from the Quran can be broken down in many different ways. One is the idea that we need companionship. From this, I take the word mate as meaning both intimate relationships and also the British slang for friend. I believe both provide significant meaning to our lives and help us be our best selves, have peace, and find purpose in life.

Another thing I pull from this passage is the idea of affection and mercy in love and friendship, meaning being there for support, especially in vulnerable moments. This isn’t always easy when you aren’t at your best, but it reminds me to be clear with my communication and inquire what is the best way to support them.

This coincides with the last part, which mentions the signs for people who give thought. In my opinion, meaningful relationships come when you give them thought and are present. You always have the time to be there for everyone at every moment, but I believe when you are with someone, you should give them your full attention and support.

I enjoyed coming across this passage from the Quran and hope you take something away from it that brings a positive perspective to your life.

Give the people you’re with your full attention and have a blessed week ahead!

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M. Scott Peck, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, The Painted Veil, Maurice Ashley, and the Yajur Veda

Sunday Supplement #15 (August 22nd, 2021)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from this post that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult—once we truly understand and accept it—then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”

– M. Scott Peck

This quote reminds me of a passage I read in The Courage to Be Happy. In the book, the sequel to The Courage to Be Disliked —which I highlighted in Sunday Supplement #7— a philosopher explains to the youth who visits him that people often forget a question that eliminates the past and allows the questioner to take control in the present. 

“What should I do now?”

For me, The M. Scott Peck quote is an example of how acceptance can bring us to the present moment. I find myself sometimes in a slump or depressed, but when I remember to accept the present, I’m able to move forward, knowing I have a choice.

Book of the Week:

The Ocean at the End of the Lane – Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman is a prolific author gathering even more mainstream recognition through the popular adaptations of his works like Good Omens and American Gods. He started his writing career as a journalist conducting interviews and writing reviews for publications like The British Fantasy Society. His breakthrough in creative wiring came from the massive success of his comic series Sandman. Since his initial breakout, he’s written multiple bestselling novels, comics, and screenplay adaptations.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane is one of my favorite Gaiman novels. The story follows a middle-aged man returning to his hometown to attend a funeral. While he’s there, he visits his childhood home and begins remembering his past. When he was a young boy, he had a childhood friend, Lettie Hempstock, who lived with her mother and grandmother in a magical world that coincides with the main character’s own. The protagonist remembers an adventure with Lettie that changed his childhood and is the focus of much of the novel. The narrative is truly extraordinary and is a perfect example of the power of the fantasy genre.    

I loved how the novel explored a child’s experience of his parent’s struggling relationship through a fantastical setting. On the protagonist’s adventure with Lettie, he brings back evil from the magical world that takes real roots in his own life. The battle he faces with the new caretaker puts immense pressure on his family and has the reader invested in the outcome of the struggle.

There aren’t many novels I like to re-read, but this is one of them. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is perfect for anyone searching for a great fantasy book or a perfect introduction to Neil Gaiman’s fantastic writing. It won the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel in 2014 and is a brilliant piece of fiction.

Movie of the Week:

The Painted Veil

In the early 1920s, a British bacteriologist volunteers to aid a small Chinese village fighting a cholera epidemic and threatens to divorce his wife for adultery unless she accompanies him on the trip or her lover decides to marry her.

The 2007 Academy Awards recognized some brilliant films, including The Departed, Dreamgirls, Little Miss Sunshine, and The Last King of Scotland. However, The Painted Veil wasn’t nominated for a single category. From the screenplay and the acting to the cinematography and the score, there is so much to appreciate in the film. I still don’t know why it wasn’t nominated.

The actors had a lot to work with as the script was adapted from W. Somerset Maugham’s play. Edward Norton and Naomi Watts exude immense presence as the married couple struggling in their relationship and their purpose in life, while Toby Jones, Anthony Wong Chau Sang, and Liev Schreiber are equally commanding in their roles.

One aspect that helps the story’s depth is the focus on themes of alienation and self-realization. This is explored in a brilliant scene between Edward Norton and Anthony Wong Chau Sang that addresses colonialism and a native perspective of China’s situation in the context of Norton’s own journey. The intricacy of the narrative makes for a worthwhile viewing and encompasses different facets of the character’s lives in a rich period and setting.

Naomi Watts is the standout in the film. Her internal journey throughout the movie is powerful and creates a great character arc. This is only one of many highlights of the film deserving of praise, though. If you watch the film, let me know what aspect you enjoyed most.

Brainfood of the Week:

TED-Ed Talk with Maurice Ashley on Working Backward to Solve Problems

Maurice Ashley is a chess grandmaster, author, and commentator. Ashley was born in St. Andrew, Jamaica, and was already playing chess at 12 when his family moved to the United States. He earned the title of grandmaster in 1999 and went on to found the Harlem Chess Center. Ashley coached youth from the area, including the Raging Rooks of Harlem and the Dark Knights— both won national championships.

In this video, Ashley describes techniques grandmasters use to look ahead in matches. His favorite is retrograde analysis and describes the method’s recipe as “to look ahead, it pays to look backward.” 

Many fields use retro-analysis, including law, science, medicine, insurance, stock market services, politics, and career planning. 

Ashley breaks down his opinion on the best use of retro-analysis in the video and how it can apply to everyone. The idea is to think ahead to an outcome or scenario that you know, practice solving it, and then work to get to that point. It is a brilliant technique to envision how you want your life to look like in the future and create a plan to get there.

If you gain nothing else from this video, it will certainly make you a better proofreader.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“The one who loves all intensely begins perceiving in all living beings a part of himself. He becomes a lover of all, part and parcel of the Universal Joy. He flows with the stream of happiness and is enriched by each soul.”

– Yajur Veda.

This quote comes from the Yajur Veda, one of the four sections of the Hindu Vedas. For me, it taps into the power of acceptance and choice. When we chose love, we can put aside our judgment and look to see what’s truly there. This is a practice I’ve been working on when an initial judgment pops into my mind. I notice it, then try to listen, aware I do not know what is going on from that person’s perspective.

The acceptance and choice of love also should be aimed towards the individual. I’m practicing being kind to myself and supporting myself when I’m down. Instead of judging my dips and funks, I’ve accepted them and worked on choosing to move forward without negative pressure. I recognize the harmony I experience when I accept my situation and am able to look for the beauty in what’s around me. I will continue to work on this mindset and hope others find the love in their lives as well.

Take a moment to notice the beauty that surrounds you, and have a blessed week ahead!


Bethany Hamilton, Exhalation, The Last Dance, Nietzsche, and a Buddhist Proverb

Sunday Supplement #14 (August 15th, 2021)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from this post that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Strive to find things to be thankful for, and just look for the good in who you are.”

– Bethany Hamilton

Book of the Week:

Exhalation – Ted Chiang

I’ve only read a few story collections, but I find them a fantastic alternative to novels. They usually contain short stories, novellas, and/or novelettes. All are excellent mediums for an author to explore a narrative without worrying about hitting a specific word or page count. 

My experience with short stories, novellas, and novelettes is typically excellent. There is no excess filler, and they are perfect for a one-sitting read. Ted Chiang’s Exhalation is a brilliant collection of these types of narratives and provides truly remarkable reading experiences. 

In Sunday Supplement #11, I highlighted the film Arrival. The Academy Award-winning movie is based on a short story by Ted Chiang. It is not included in this collection of his short stories, but there are many as brilliant as the novella Arrival is based on (“Story of Your Life.”)

My favorite stories from the collection are “The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate,” “The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling,” and “Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom.” Each explores a fascinating world with a story that taps deep into the human experience. They all made it to the finalists of the Hugo Awards, with “The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate” winning the prize.

Chiang has won four Nebula awards, four Hugo awards, and four Locus awards for his works. His Exhalation collection is a great place to start, and you go through whichever stories call out to you. The stories are unique and fulfilling, and there should be a few in there that will leave a lasting impression.

Movie of the Week (Miniseries):

The Last Dance

All of the Sunday Supplements so far highlight films. I haven’t highlighted television because I think they have their highs and lows and suffer from a lack of proper awareness around when they should end. A lot of TV shows continue well past a natural expiration date because they make money. The miniseries is a unique alternative in that it can explore a story over multiple episodes but has a balance of a finite time period. 

I think some of the best visual stories have been told through the miniseries medium. The Last Dance is one of those special miniseries that reaches the highest level of visual storytelling.

The story captures a unique period in sports history that had a worldwide impact. Michael Jordan shouldn’t need an introduction, but for those who don’t know, he is arguably the best basketball player to ever play the sport and is one of the most talented athletes of all time. His influence on basketball broke through international barriers and created a new benchmark for modern sports icons.

The ESPN docuseries tells the story of Michael Jordan’s last season with the Chicago Bulls. The ten episodes give an inside look into Michael Jordan’s story, from a child in North Carolina to a world-renowned superstar. The series bounces around different periods of his life and the lives of those who shared his spotlight. It is an astounding piece of storytelling that is able to touch on more than just basketball.

For those who haven’t seen this series, regardless of if you’re a fan of basketball or not, it should be on your to-watch list.

Brainfood of the Week:

Academy of Ideas’ video “Nietzsche and Psychology: How To Become Who You Are”

Academy of Ideas is a channel on YouTube with over a million followers that explains the ideas of history’s great thinkers. This video from their Channel goes over Nietzsche’s beliefs about each of us having a deep and abiding nature we are meant to discover.

—At the bottom of us, really deep down, there is, of course, something unteachable, some granite of spiritual fatum [personal fate or destiny], of predetermined decision and answer to predetermined selected questions. Whenever a cardinal problem is at stake, there speaks an unchangeable, “this is I.”—

The video delves into Nietzsche’s explanations of how studying familial, societal, and human history can help us understand our present. The knowledge of where we come from helps our awareness of primitive drives and impulses as well as our ancient instincts for survival and flourishing as a species.

Nietzsche believes that through this study, we can comprehend the competing forces in one’s psyche in a manner that allows one to strive with single-minded devotion towards a heroic goal that gives meaning to our lives.

There is a lot to be gained from watching/listening to the video. When I watch it, I am encouraged to learn more about my history and am reminded to stay in touch with my heart and conscience. If you check it out, let me know what you think!

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Enough is a feast.”

– Buddhist Proverb

This Buddhist proverb hits me in two different ways. 

The first is to be grateful for what I have. The more consistently I practice gratitude, the more I find my days colored a little brighter. I try to spend a few minutes in the morning meditating and wrap that up with a small gratitude exercise. I think of three big things I’m thankful for, three small things, and spend a few minutes with that feeling before getting out of bed. It’s a great way to start my day, and I never regret doing it.

The other reminder from this proverb is that if enough is a feast, excess can make you sick. One of the things I do periodically is a deep clean of my apartment. If there is anything that I haven’t been using regularly and can’t see myself using in the future, I donate or sell it. Removing the clutter from my environment is surprisingly refreshing and reminds me of what’s important in my life.

Remind yourself of the things you are grateful for and have a blessed week ahead!

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Theodore Roosevelt, Being Mortal, Kingdom of Heaven, Simon Sinek, and 2 Timothy 2:15

Sunday Supplement #13 (August 8th, 2021)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from this post that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

Book of the Week:

Being Mortal – Atul Gawande

Atul Gawande is a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, a professor at both Harvard Medical School and the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, and a bestselling author. A quick Google search shows many other awards and associations Gawande is connected with, including the MacArthur Fellowship (“Genius Grant”).

In Being Mortal, a #1 New York Times bestseller, Gawande explores how the advancement of modern medicine doesn’t always sync with human and spiritual needs, especially in the later years of life. The breakthroughs in medicine and surgery have allowed humans to live much longer than previous generations, but Gawande poses that the cost is often overlooked.

His father’s experience with cancer prompted Gawande to research and write Being Mortal. Often, a medical condition requiring surgery can be viewed as something just being broken, and the solution is to fix it. However, what happens if the surgery isn’t wholly successful is often overlooked. Is an additional couple of years of life worth it if that person is bedridden because of a partially successful surgery?

Gawande goes over many different scenarios often misjudged in modern medicine and provides insight into how best to handle doctor visits and surgery decisions. It is an invaluable book that should be read by anyone looking to understand healthcare and how to best advocate for themselves or on behalf of others.

Movie of the Week:

Kingdom of Heaven (Director’s Cut)

Balian mourns the death of his wife and child when his estranged father shows up with an offer for Balian to join him and find solace and salvation in Jerusalem. Balian’s intended journey is thrown into chaos when his estranged father, the lord of Ibelin, passes his title to his son. The lordship comes with power and land that puts Balian at the forefront of the Crusades. He must decide what kind of ruler he will be in the face of enemies and adversaries.

I highlighted Ridley Scott’s The Martian in Sunday Supplement #7 and briefly touched on his poor run of films in the eyes of critics. Kingdom of Heaven fits in that time period but shouldn’t be considered a flop because the movie Scott made never received a theatrical release. Instead, a considerably edited version of the film became the movie that most people saw or passed over.

In the Director’s Cut introduction, Ridley Scott explains how his three-hour movie was cut down to just over two hours. One of the consequences of the cuts was a diminished storyline for a crucial character. Eva Green’s Sibylla becomes a side character that comes off as weak with no purpose in the theatrical version. In the director’s cut, her story is fully fleshed out and excellently explores the conflict of a woman in her position. Sibylla’s character was crucial to the story, and the theatrical cut suffers for her diminished role. 

The original film is truly a masterpiece of Cinema and thankfully was released as a director’s cut. The depiction of Christians and Muslims in the movie is beautifully explored, and the full story should be a classic in film history. The cast is full of brilliant performances, including Liam Neeson, Eva Green, David Thewlis, Alexander Siddig, Ghassan Massoud, Jeremy Irons, Edward Norton, Brendan Gleeson, and Orlando Bloom.

I highly recommend this film.

Brainfood of the Week:

A Simon Sinek clip on “The Paradox of Being Human – Individuals and Groups”

This is a quick clip where Simon Sinek talks about the paradox of putting the individual or the community first. There is no definitive answer because it’s a paradox, but Sinek explains how to be in touch with both in this short clip. It is an interesting way to view a relationship predicament that is prevalent across society.

Sinek is an inspirational speaker and bestselling author. He spoke at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit in 2016 and later launched a new imprint at Penguin Random House, Optimism Press. The Press aims to find authors from the business world, the nonprofit world, the military, politics, education, the clergy, and elsewhere to offer direction on building a more optimistic world.

Simon’s YouTube page is a fun place to start to get an idea of his work. If you enjoy his content, his books are a great next place to look.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

– 2 Timothy 2:15

When I break this passage down, I think of holding oneself accountable without shame— to be satisfied with one’s presentation.

I believe this happens when you fully accept yourself and can honestly say you’ve done your best. For me, part of that comes from being in touch with my emotions. I believe that feelings can be an internal compass and a way to know when you are in line with your purpose. That doesn’t mean I let my emotions control me, but I do my best not to shut anything out. 

We might not always be at our best, though. And the quote from Theodore Roosevelt at the top of the page reminds me of that— “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” I believe if we live by this principle, we can speak without shame.

This is a work in progress for me but something I will always strive to align with.

Be easy on yourself, and have a blessed week ahead!

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Maya Angelou, Michael A. Singer, City of God, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and verse 122 of the Dhammapada

Sunday Supplement #12 (August 1st, 2021)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from this post that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.”

– Maya Angelou

Book of the Week:

The Untethered Soul – Michael A. Singer

Michael A. Singer is a remarkable person with a wild adventure of a life story. Singer studied and taught economics, established a meditation center, and later picked up programming as a hobby, which led to the founding of the Medical Manager Corporation. WebMD later acquired his company for around $5 billion. In his autobiography, The Surrender Experiment, Singer recounts these pivotal moments.

The Surrender Experiment was a New York Times bestseller, and Singer’s follow-up book The Untethered Soul reached the number 1 spot. While his first book recounts his life story, The Untethered Soul goes over his thoughts and insights on limitations in our human experience and how to break through those barriers to become more conscious of the many opportunities around us. 

The best indication I can give for the quality of the book is Deepak Chopra’s endorsement, “Read this book carefully, and you will get more than a glimpse of eternity.”

A lot of self-help and spirituality books can be wordy and fluffed up unnecessarily. In this book, Singer makes every sentence convey something thought-provoking. It is one of those books you can put down in awe after reading one paragraph.

There are many brilliant thoughts and ideas in the book. The way Singer breaks down these concepts into easily digestible content is wonderful. I had a hard time not underlining everything when I read it. I highly recommend The Untethered Soul and hope you check it out!

Movie of the Week:

City of God (Cidade de Deus)

Two kids’ paths in the favelas of Rio diverge as one becomes a kingpin while the other struggles to become a photographer.

The movie was nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Director, Best Writing – Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, and Best Editing. 

In 2004, it wasn’t a common occurrence for international films to be nominated for anything other than Best Foreign Language Film. It’s baffling that City of God wasn’t nominated in this category, but it’s no surprise that it received nominations in the other categories. If it wasn’t for Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the movie might have won a few awards.

Even though the movie didn’t win any Oscars, it is on many top films lists and is considered one of the best movies in Cinema history.

Director Fernando Meirelles explained how because of the content and his decision to cast unknown actors, he didn’t receive any funding for the movie. He ended up backing the film with his own finances and received support across the board in production and post-production from friends he worked with for years. The result was a critically acclaimed film that made over $30 million from a $3.3 million budget.

Many movies from the early 2000s don’t stand up to a modern viewing, but this is a film that will become an ageless classic. The movie may be in Portuguese, but its story breaks through any language barriers. Its themes of poverty and choice are powerful and are based on a true story. If you haven’t seen it yet, you’ll have a great movie night ahead.

Brainfood of the Week:

Tim Ferriss’s first interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger on The Tim Ferriss Show.

I’ve featured Tim Ferriss’s podcast on the Blog in a few posts now— Sunday Supplement’s #1, #5,and #9. The reason for this is because Tim is an excellent interviewer and has many interesting guests from a wide variety of fields on his show.

In this episode, Tim interviews Arnold Schwarzenegger. Most people won’t need an introduction to Schwarzenegger, and the podcast does a great job of quickly highlighting Swarzenegger’s career before delving into topics and stories Arnold hadn’t spoken about before. He recounts his time growing up in Austria, moving to California, and becoming a millionaire through real estate and landscaping before his career took off.

The above highlights are just a glimpse into the whole episode. There are many more entertaining and impactful stories that Arnold shares throughout the podcast. I didn’t know too much about Schwarzenegger before listening to this interview. I knew that he was an actor and the ex-governor of California. I’m glad I gave this episode a listen because there is a lot to learn from this man who journeyed from a very small village in Austria to becoming one of the world’s most recognizable people.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.”

– verse 122 of the Dhammapada

The Dhammapada is one of the best-known Buddhist scriptures, consisting of a collection of Buddha’s sayings in verse form.

This particular quote reminds me of the power of consistency and focus. It’s easy to be discouraged when one focuses on the distance between where you are and when you want to be. A reason for that experience is the concentration on the gap being the focus of your perspective. Instead of entertaining that viewpoint, a reframe can be knowing each step you take on the path is one step closer to your goals. Every drop in the water pot is progress.

In Sunday Supplement #8, I recommend the book Atomic Habits for insights and strategies on starting new routines or discontinuing negative ones. It discusses a similar principle as the above quote from the Buddha in taking small steps consistently over time to reach great distances. I try to adopt this mentality with any hobby or goal I set for myself, and I’m grateful for the synchronous moments that remind me to keep moving forward. 

Take some small consistent steps, and have a blessed week ahead!

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2021 © Drew Alexander Ross