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Aldous Huxley, Love in the Time of Cholera, Seven Samurai, The School of Life, and Surah Al-Baqara 2:286

Sunday Supplement #79 (November 13th, 2022)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.”

– Aldous Huxley

Book of the Week:

Love in the Time of Cholera – Gabriel García Márquez

The Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez wrote many acclaimed works and has received much recognition for his contribution to literature and journalism.

Love in the Time of Cholera is one of Márquez’s better-known novels and focuses on two lovers over five decades, from the 1880s to the 1930s.

The story focuses mainly on an unnamed port city in Colombia and follows the lives of Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza.

They both fell in love when they were young, but Fermina eventually chose to marry a wealthy, upper-class doctor with some pressure from her family. Fifty years later, after Fermina’s husband’s death, Florentino declares his love again.

Love in the Time of Cholera has much depth in its pages. Many themes around love and aging are beautifully explored and well worth checking out.

Movie of the Week:

Seven Samurai

Akira Kurosawa received an Honorary Award from the Academy in 1990 for cinematic accomplishments that inspired, delighted, enriched, and entertained worldwide audiences and influenced filmmakers throughout the world.

I featured Kurosawa’s Yojimbo in Sunday Supplement #70, and in that post, I also mentioned his film Seven Samurai.

Seven Samurai tells the story of a poor village under attack recruiting seven unemployed samurai to defend the people and the town.

Kurosawa’s writing and directing, combined with a legendary performance by Toshirô Mifune, helped create a film that will forever be a classic.

The film has been remade multiple times for Western audiences, including twice as The Magnificent Seven, but the original shouldn’t be overlooked.

Brainfood of the Week:

Wisdom | The School of Life

This video starts with The School of Life describing wisdom not as a stable state but as an aspiration or goal worth striving for.

They state that there are many strands woven into wisdom. Realism is one, gratitude another, politeness, humor, and self-acceptance are some others.

The video breaks down each thread it mentions and discusses how each attribute helps contribute to wisdom.

In breaking down realism, they explain how knowing something might be difficult allows for acceptance and a calm demeanor when tackling challenging tasks.

There is much more in the full video, and I highly recommend giving it a watch. If you enjoy it, I’ve featured The School of Life in a few previous Sunday Supplements.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.”

– Surah Al-Baqara 2:286

This passage from the Quran reminds me of how we can feel overwhelmed at various points in our lives, but we always seem to make it through those times.

These difficult moments can seem like burdens, but the more time passes, the more I can see the lessons in the experiences.

I’ve mentioned it before in previous Sunday Supplements, but many passages from spiritual texts could often be swapped without anyone’s notice.

This Quran passage seems to me like a universal message that wouldn’t be out of place in the Bible, the Vedas, or any Buddhist texts.

Know that any challenge in your life is one you can handle, and have a blessed week ahead!

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James Baldwin, Autobiography of a Yogi, American History X, Rich Roll, and a Japanese Proverb

Sunday Supplement #78 (November 6th, 2022)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

– James Baldwin

Book of the Week:

Autobiography of a Yogi – Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda was one of the first Indian yogis to spend a significant period in the West and popularized Eastern spirituality in America.

Autobiography of a Yogi recounts Yogananda’s childhood, his studies as a youth, his journeys as an adult, and the legacy of the lessons he received and passed on.

Before Yogananda’s acclaimed autobiography, there weren’t many insights into India’s history of spirituality.

The fact that his autobiography was first published in 1946 and is still in print today speaks to the quality of the text.

While there are many lessons in the book, it also is an adventurous read that provides a beautiful window into the experiences of a renowned yogi.

Movie of the Week:

American History X

American History X follows the younger brother of a former neo-nazi skinhead heading down the same path while his older brother re-enters his life and tries to prevent his descent.

The film artfully navigates two storylines and weaves them together to tell a complete story. 

One is the older brother’s experiences that change his attitude and beliefs, and the other is the experiences of the family and the present situation they face from the point of view of the younger brother.

American History X is a violent and shocking movie, but it has a purpose and explores themes like rage powerfully. The performance from Edward Norton is phenomenal.

While the film is rough in a few areas, it provides a deep viewing experience that asks thought-provoking questions and lingers with the viewers.

Brainfood of the Week:

Mood Follows Action | Rich Roll

I’ve featured Tim Ferriss on a few previous Sunday Supplements in various capacities. I’ve also featured Rich Roll interviews before.

The clip I highlight this week comes from a long-form interview Tim Ferris conducts with Rich Roll about Rich’s views on mood following action.

In the video, Tim asks Rich to expand on the phrase “Mood Follows Action.”

Rich talks about his first sponsor in sobriety saying that phrase to him and how action triggers the change-state of mood.

Rich then goes on to mention neuroscientist Andrew Huberman’s findings on the accuracy of that phrase and tells a story about running that emphasizes the point.

This is a two-minute video that I highly recommend you take the time to watch. Let me know if you enjoyed it!

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“One’s act, one’s profit.” (自業自得 -じごうじとく)

– Japanese Proverb

This Japanese proverb is pretty straightforward, and the website I found the translation on described the meaning as you reap what you sow.

The phrasing of the translation led me to think about the two sides of action and reaction, one positive and the other negative.

I believe both have the same root in your initial actions or inactions. If you put in the effort, expect to see results. Conversely, don’t expect a flower to grow where you didn’t plant a seed.

For me, it comes back to being aware of what you have control over and taking action to the best of your abilities at the time.

Take action on something you believe in, and have a blessed week ahead!


John F. Kennedy, The Stand, John Q, Deepak Chopra, and an African Proverb

Sunday Supplement #77 (October 30th, 2022)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

– John F. Kennedy

Book of the Week:

The Stand – Stephen King

I’ve featured Stephen King many times in previous Sunday Supplements. I figured a Halloween weekend post was a good excuse to feature my favorite author again.

King’s The Stand depicts a world as it falls to a deadly virus leading to a post-apocalyptic world that becomes divided by the good and evil people who remain.

The Stand received much attention during the pandemic, but much of that publicity focused on the McGuffin of the book (the virus) rather than the heart of the novel.

Themes like the power of community, transition, and vices are brilliantly explored in the massive 1000+ page novel.

I’ve read almost 50 excellent Stephen King books, but The Stand has always been toward the top of the list. It has also been on many more prestigious best books of all time lists like Rolling Stone, Time, Amazon, and BBC. 

Movie of the Week:

John Q

Getting away from the Halloween weekend excuse from the previous recommendation is this entry of Nick Cassavetes’s John Q.

While Cassavetes’s most famous film is probably The Notebook, John Q deserves more recognition for the handling of a challenging story.

The James Kearns screenplay shows a father, John Quincy Archibald, making the decision to hold a hospital emergency room hostage when his insurance won’t cover his son’s heart transplant.

Denzel Washington puts in a masterclass performance as John Quincy Archibald. His acting carries the film and has the audience on his side as he tries to save his son.

John Q might not be the best film I’ve recommended, but the movie is worth a watch, especially for the acting of Washington.

Brainfood of the Week:

10 Min Meditation – Gratitude – Daily Guided Meditation by Deepak Chopra

The video here is pretty self-explanatory by the title. Deepak Chopra leads a ten-minute guided meditation around gratitude.

Deepak Chopra is the founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit for research on well-being and humanitarianism.

He has written numerous New York Times bestsellers, has been featured by Oprah Winfrey, and was described by Time magazine as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.

In this guided meditation, Chopra brings you into the present moment and cultivates a meditative state around gratitude opening the door to abundance.

I featured two other meditation videos in Sunday Supplement #31 and Sunday Supplement #41. Check them out if you want some other recommendations!

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author.”

– African Proverb

I started this post with a quote highlighting the importance of following through on words of gratitude, and this African Proverb reminds me of how detrimental ingratitude can be.

For me, gratitude is one of the best ways to fill your cup daily. Having a ritual around feeling and expressing thanks for the blessings in your life keeps your attention on the good in life.

False or insincere gratitude can be a slippery slope to emptiness and ingratitude. 

Ingratitude leaves a person feeling many negative emotions that ultimately can turn the head down a path where all you see is darkness.

While there is much evil in the world, you get to choose the attitude you put forth each moment.

Express your gratitude through your actions, and have a blessed week ahead!


Sri Ravi Shankar, Get the Hell Out of Your Own Way, Before Sunrise, Psych2Go, and Dhammapada 33

Sunday Supplement #76 (October 23rd, 2022)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have.”

– Sri Ravi Shankar

Book of the Week:

Get the Hell Out of Your Own Way – Jan Grobler

Jan Grobler is a Life & Transformation Coach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Psychological Kinesiologist, and Teacher.

Get the Hell Out of Your Own Way contains the lessons Grobler learned along his journey that helped him heal his past trauma and obtain freedom to move forward.

The book is divided into three parts: How We End Up in Our Own Way, Cutting the Key to Your Freedom, and Be & Stay in the Driver’s Seat of Your Life.

What I enjoyed most about the book was the combination of wisdom the text provided and the prompts in the book to help you take actionable steps forward in your life.

Get the Hell Out of Your Own Way is an engaging read that leaves you with many gems to bring into your life.

Movie of the Week:

Before Sunrise

I’ve only seen the first film in Richard Linklater’s Before trilogy, but it’s a movie I find myself thinking about long after I’ve seen it.

The story follows a young man and woman as they meet on a train in Europe and spend one evening together in Vienna.

Most of the movie focuses on the dialogue between the two characters as they explore their contrasting ideas and perspectives on life and love.

Before Sunrise premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and grossed $22.5 million from a $2.5 million budget.

The movie is an intriguing watch for its exploration of postmodern views on love and appears on many watch lists with favorable reviews from critics.

Brainfood of the Week:

6 Signs Your Burnt Out, Not Lazy | Psych2Go

Psych2Go’s mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone. Their YouTube page has just shy of 10 million followers.

This Psych2Go video defines burnout as a negative state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress and the inability to cope with it.

There are many overlaps between laziness and burnout, and it’s important to know the difference to recognize early signs.

Psycho2Go’s video is not a substitute for professional advice, but it is a good source of general education.

I’ve featured Psycho2Go before in Sunday Supplement #66 and recommend checking out their channel.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Just as a fletcher straightens an arrow shaft, even so, the discerning man straightens his mind— so fickle and unsteady, so difficult to guard.”

– Dhammapada 33

This verse from the Dhammapada reminds me of the constant task of attending to our minds.

I think of moments in my past when I’ve been happy with where I’m at but didn’t continue on the path of reflection and improvement.

The Dhammapada passage points out how the mind can be fickle, unsteady, and difficult to guard. It requires constant work.

The example reminds me of the necessity for continuing to exercise if you want to stay in shape. You can’t stop once you reach a certain point and expect to stay in shape.

Make tweaks to the arrow of your life to improve its flight, and have a blessed week ahead!


Mary Halloway, The Mastery of Love, Groundhog Day, TED-Ed, and Galatians 6:9

Sunday Supplement #75 (October 16th, 2022)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Resilience is knowing that you are the only one with the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up.”

– Mary Halloway

Book of the Week:

The Mastery of Love – Don Miguel Ruiz

Don Miguel Ruiz was born to parents who belonged to the Toltecs of Mexico. He chose to follow a different path than his ancestors and decided to become a surgeon.

However, after a near-death experience, Ruiz devoted himself to mastery of the ancient ancestral wisdom of the Toltecs and later passed on what he learned.

In The Mastery of Love, Ruiz highlights assumptions and fear-based beliefs that lead to suffering in relationships and undermine love.

The book shows how we can heal from the ill practices and traumas that affect our relationships so we can return to loving ourselves and loving others.

Ruiz’s books have been on the New York Times’s bestsellers list for over a decade. In Sunday Supplement #38, I featured his book, The Four Agreements.

Movie of the Week:

Groundhog Day

Harold Ramis’s film follows a narcissistic weatherman who finds himself stuck in a time loop on Groundhog Day, fated to keep repeating the same day.

The 1993 movie stars Bill Murray as weatherman Phil, Andie MacDowell as producer Rita, and Chris Elliott as cameraman Larry.

The three travel to Punxsutawney for the annual coverage of the Groundhog Day festivities but cannot leave the same day after a blizzard hits.

As Phil continues to wake up on the same day, aware he is destined to repeat that day continuously, he goes through an existential journey.

Groundhog Day has a brilliantly comedic script, but the core of the story is grounded in meaningful themes that help it rise above a simple movie just for laughs.

Brainfood of the Week:

How to Stay Calm Under Pressure – Noa Kageyama & Pen-Pen Chen | TED-Ed

The video discusses different experiences of succumbing to pressure and starts with the distraction theory, suggesting performance suffers when losing focus on the task at hand.

We can get caught up with the precise details of our actions, worry about our performance, and lose sight of the goal.

Kageyama and Chen then highlight performance tips: practicing under pressure, pre-performance routines, and removing internal doubt about how to achieve goals.

The TED-Ed video is animated by Olesya Shchukina and is a quick lesson on how we can get overwhelmed by pressure and how to overcome it.

If you check it out and enjoy the video, check out some of the other TED videos I’ve featured on previous Sunday Supplements.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

– Galatians 6:9

I think some of the most challenging times occur when you’ve put in enormous effort but don’t get the desired results.

This Bible verse points out a few things for me that I try to remember when I encounter low moments in my life.

One is that it might be too early to judge my efforts. Another is that the harvest might not be what I expected, but there should be something valuable I can take from it. And the last thing is to not give up on doing good things. 

I always try to remember this last one because if I can acknowledge and appreciate the good of my efforts, I can always find more energy to move forward.

Acknowledge your good efforts, love yourself, and have a blessed week ahead!

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2021 © Drew Alexander Ross