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Tag: Miyamoto Musashi

Benjamin Franklin, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Field of Dreams, Freedom in Thought, and a Bible Passage

Sunday Supplement #189 (December 22nd, 2024)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

Please take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

– Benjamin Franklin

Book of the Week:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey

Stephen R. Covey was an educator, author, speaker, and businessman. His highly acclaimed book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, sold over 20 million copies by his death in 2012.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the culmination of years of research by Stephen Covey into the principles behind stirring positive personal change and achieving effective results.

Covey highlights the importance of focusing on character rather than personality ethics and focusing first on self-improvement as essential to success in interpersonal relationships.

I’ve read many self-improvement and self-help books in my life, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is one I’d recommend for your top-shelf.

Movie of the Week:

Field of Dreams

The 1989 film Field of Dreams follows Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella as a mysterious voice prompts him to pursue an unbelievable dream.

Kevin Costner plays Ray Kinsella, Amy Madigan plays his wife, and the brilliant supporting cast includes the likes of James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta, and Burt Lancaster.

Field of Dreams was nominated for Best Picture, Best Writing – Based on Material from Another Medium, and Best Music – Original Score in the 1990 Academy Awards.

Some films have a magic quality to them that can lift you up and inspire you. Field of Dreams is one of those movies for me.

Brainfood of the Week:

Miyamoto Musashi – How to Build Self-Discipline | Freedom in Thought

Freedom in Thought is a YouTube channel that breaks down philosophical concepts and explores them through dialogue.

In this video, Freedom in Thought explores the first five principles in Miyamoto Musashi’s Dokkōdō.

Miyamoto Musashi is considered the greatest swordsman in Japan’s history. However, he wasn’t just a master of the sword; he was an artist, a philosopher, and a Buddhist.

I recommend watching the video for valuable tips on building self-discipline. If you enjoy the tips, check out the other Sunday Supplements featuring Musashi or Freedom in Thought.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Pray without ceasing.”

– 1 Thessalonians 5:17

I was once told that all prayers can be divided into two categories: asking for help and giving thanks.

When I come across this Bible passage, I think of the utility of continuously asking for help and giving thanks.

If we wish to improve our lives, asking for help will create opportunities for us to learn and grow. If we give thanks, we will always attune to the good in our lives.

Praying without ceasing is a good way to consistently reflect on your life and create awareness of the direction in which you want to head.

Continue to better yourself, give thanks, and have a blessed week ahead!

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Maya Angelou, The Psychology of Money, Minority Report, Philosophies for Life, and a Dhammapada Verse

Sunday Supplement #112 (July 2nd, 2023)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

Please take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

– Maya Angelou

Book of the Week:

The Psychology of Money – Morgan Housel

Morgan Housel’s The Psychology of Money shares 19 short stories that exemplify different ways people think about money and provides valuable lessons in them.

One of the fundamental principles of the book is the idea that doing well isn’t necessarily about what you know but more about how you behave.

Many smart financial people lose a lot of money or go completely broke. It often has to do with the lack of control or awareness of their behavior.

Housel is an award-winning author, two-time winner of the Best in Business Award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers, and a partner at The Collaborative Fund.

The Psychology of Money is worth a read as a good reminder of solid principles that will help you secure your financial future.

Movie of the Week:

Minority Report

Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report takes place in the future, where a special police unit is able to arrest murderers before they commit their crimes.

The film is based on Philip K. Dick’s novella and focuses on the situation an officer in that special unit faces when he is accused of a future murder.

Tom Cruise stars as the accused officer, John Anderton. Max von Sydow, Colin Farrell, and Samantha Morton also stand out in their performances.

Minority Report is an excellent exploration of free will versus determinism in a well-done science fiction/action film.

Those familiar with Dick’s works will know the story can get pretty heady, but it’s worth the watch if you’re interested in a thought-provoking and entertaining story.

Brainfood of the Week:

Miyamoto Musashi – How To Build Your Self Discipline | Philosophies for Life

Miyamoto Musashi is considered the greatest swordsman in the history of Japan. However, he wasn’t just a master of the sword; he was an artist, a philosopher, and a Buddhist.

Musashi wrote war and philosophy books, which became blueprints for people wishing to lead a disciplined life.

Philosophies for Life breaks down philosophical ideas that will help you improve multiple aspects of your life – spirituality, finance, relationships, mental, and emotional.

In the Philosophies for Life video, they discuss four principles from Musashi’s work about discipline. Check out the video and let me know if you liked the content.

I’ve featured Miyamoto Musashi in Sunday Supplement #20 and Philosophies for Life in Sunday Supplement #17 if you want to check out other similar videos.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Easy to do are things that are bad and harmful to oneself. But exceedingly difficult to do are things that are good and beneficial.”

– Dhammapada 163

This is a fairly straightforward verse from the Dhammapada, but it’s a great reminder of how the decisions we make each day can compound positively or negatively.

I’m blanking on where my brother picked up this phrase, but he shared the example of how each decision we make affects our present self and our future self.

So a decision I make now can be fun for present Drew, but future Drew will have to pay the consequences. A simple example is staying up too late and not getting enough sleep.

This Dhammapada verse reminds us that it’s easy for us to make decisions that will become our future selves’ problems. 

Look out for moments when you can take control, make the best decisions you can in those moments, and have a blessed week ahead!


Jackie Joyner-Kersee, The Dog Stars, The Imitation Game, The Path of the Loner, and a verse from the Yajur Veda

Sunday Supplement #20 (September 26th, 2021)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“If I stop to kick every barking dog, I am not going to get where I’m going.”

– Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Book of the Week:

The Dog Stars – Peter Heller

A few movies and books were highlighted over quarantine, like Contagion and Stephen King’s The Stand. While both discuss relevant issues, a story that deals with a similar situation in a different way is Peter Heller’s The Dog Stars.

While the above stories focus on the downfall of civilization, this novel picks up long after a flu pandemic wipes out most of the population. It follows the narrative of Hig, who continues his existence in semi-isolation in that hangar of a small abandoned airport. He lives with his dog, Jasper, and a recluse military man, Bangley, while they attempt to survive and find purpose. 

The small cast of characters allows for a deeper exploration of what it means to be truly alone. Hig meets additional characters along the way, and each brings something unique to the narrative that makes a fascinating read.

Thankfully, the novel isn’t a downer. The book takes a unique situation and fully explores it from a point of view that isn’t all about chaos. Its narrative provides an introspective read that is well worth checking out. The Dog Stars was nominated for the Arthur C. Clarke Award and the Andrew Carnegie Medal in 2013. It might not be the most famous novel about a pandemic, but it might be one most deserving of a read.

Movie of the Week:

The Imitation Game

During World War II, mathematical genius Alan Turing attempts to crack the German Enigma code with his fellow mathematicians. Turing faces adversity in the workplace and is ostracized for his antisocial behavior and his private life.

A ranked compilation of unproduced scripts floating around Hollywood is released. “The Black List” is famous in the movie industry, and many brilliant screenplays have topped it over the years. The Social Network and Juno are some of the highlights from past years. Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon were linked with the role of Alan Turing at various stages, but Benedict Cumberbatch eventually landed the leading role.

The film has a well-rounded cast supporting Cumberbatch with Keira Knightley, Charles Dance, Mark Strong, and Matthew Goode all giving commanding performances. The Imitation Game received eight Academy Award nominations in a tough year and only won one. It arguably should have won more, but Best Writing – Adapted Screenplay for Graham Moore was the only Oscar win.

The Imitation Game has an intricate story that encompasses many different themes to help flesh out the plot. The personal struggles of Turning and Knightley’s Joan Clarke are central to the film and give it an extra dimension of depth that shouldn’t be overlooked. It is a movie worth seeing and one that warrants more than one watch for film buffs.

Brainfood of the Week:

Miyamoto Musashi – The Path of the Loner — video by Einzelgänger

Einzelgänger is a YouTube channel that creates videos exploring different people and ideas of history with the aim of making content that inspires, resonates, and entertains. The tagline of the channel is, “In search of…”

In this video, Einzelgänger recounts the story of Miyamoto Musashi and the legacy he left behind. Musashi was born in the 16th century and embarked on a warrior’s pilgrimage, “musha shugyō,” when he was fifteen. He traveled independently, practicing his sword skills while engaging in a series of duels to the death. Once Musashi gained Ronin status, he faced his most challenging opponent Sasaki Kojiro and won. He then renounced lethal duels and later retired and used his time to pass on his wisdom.

Musashi wrote about the path of the warrior— the samurai way of discipline, focus, restraint, and honor. He compiled 21 principles on how a warrior should live in his work Dokkōdō.

After giving a brief summary of Musashi’s life, the video explores Musashi’s Dokkōdō and its application to the modern-day. There are many lessons about honor, focus, and society that are well worth the look.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Only actions with perseverance can ensure success.”

– Yajur Veda

There are four sections of the Hindu Vedas, and they have many verses and passages worth checking out. The one above, from the Yajur Veda, discusses perseverance and its rewards. I always keep an eye out for passages that jump out to me or those that I come across that remind me to keep pursuing my interests and goals. I smile when synchronicities occur right when I need a sign, and I believe that the universe provides these moments when you most need them.

It can be a challenge to pursue your passion or keep on the path towards your goals, but I believe that perseverance has its rewards. When I encounter difficulties or setbacks, I try to be kind to myself and remind myself that hard work pays off, even if it’s in ways I didn’t expect. If you genuinely believe that what you are working on has meaning for you, keep going for it and don’t give up.

Take a moment to appreciate your hard work, and have a blessed week ahead!

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2021 © Drew Alexander Ross