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Tag: Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud, Sleep No More, Ordinary People, Psych2Go, and a Quran Passage

Sunday Supplement #166 (July 14th, 2024)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

Please take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”

– Sigmund Freud

Book of the Week:

Sleep No More – Greg Iles

New York Times bestselling author Greg Iles’s Sleep Nor More follows John Waters, a successful businessman and happy family man whose life is upended by one word, “soon.”

Waters faces a memory from his past, an obsession he thought he had escaped, in the form of a stranger who whispers the word and an old lover used to share.

Stephen King’s review, which he doesn’t often do, says the novel should come with a red wrapper marked DANGER: HIGH EXPLOSIVES.

I remember reading this book many years ago; the gripping experience has always stayed with me. If you’re looking for a spooky summer read, this is it.

Movie of the Week:

Ordinary People

As I’ve stated in previous Sunday Supplements, I think it is quite a feat for films to stand the test of time. Some movies don’t even fare well after a re-watch a couple of years later.

The 1981 Academy Award Best Picture winner Ordinary People tells a powerful story that will likely continue to stand tall in Cinema history. 

The film follows the grieving of an affluent family. Each member handles the death differently, and the story follows the consequences of each member’s path.

Timothy Hutton stars as the son Conrad, Donald Sutherland stars as the father Calvin, Mary Tyler Moore stars as the mother Beth, and Judd Hirsch stands out in his supporting role of Conrad’s therapist.

In addition to the Best Picture win, Ordinary People won the Oscar for Best Director (Robert Redford), Best Writing (Alvin Sargent), and Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Hutton). Mary Tyler Moore and Judd Hirsch received nominations.

Brainfood of the Week:

4 Signs You Are Still Grieving | Pysch2Go

Psych2Go’s mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone. I’ve featured their videos in a few previous Sunday Supplements.

This video starts by discussing how we may think we’ve moved on from something or someone, but we may still be experiencing unresolved grief.

The video then gets into the four signs of unresolved grief and how you can be aware of them. At the end of the video, Pysch2Go highlights a service of affordable online counseling platform.

I’ve featured another Psych2Go video on grieving in Sunday Supplement #104. Check it out if you found this one useful.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure.”

– Surah Al-Baqara 155

I found this passage from the Quran an interesting look at the tests God or the world can give us and the grieving process.

When I looked at the definition of endure, I found it meant patiently suffering. From the above passage, I take away the good news of allowing a loss or hardship to process while we move forward instead of trying to rush things.

I think the messages of powering through and ignoring emotions are familiar narratives. However, by burying emotions, we can lose the opportunity to learn and to heal. 

This Quran passage reminds me that it’s okay not always to feel in control or to suffer, but when we patiently endure, good news will eventually come.

Make sure to acknowledge your emotions, and have a blessed week ahead!

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Benjamin Franklin, The Courage to Be Disliked, The Martian, Eckhart Tolle, and The Four Immeasurables

Sunday Supplement #7 (June 27th, 2021)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from this post that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

– Benjamin Franklin

This Benjamin Franklin quote is a good reminder that investing in yourself is one of the wisest decisions you can make.

I can be a little tight with money at times, and I want to cultivate a healthier and more positive relationship with my finances. I’ve incorporated asking myself if a purchase will help me grow to gauge whether or not I should buy it. Another method I picked up from Tim Ferriss is to ask myself, 1 out of 10, if the purchase will be something I enjoy short-term and long-term. No 6’s! It makes things a lot clearer.

Book of the Week:

The Courage to Be Disliked – Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga

Most people know about Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Both are dubbed by many as the fathers of Western psychology. The Courage to Be Disliked focuses on Alfred Adler, who was a contemporary with Freud and Jung but isn’t as widely known. Adler was one of the first peers to split from Freud and was the founder of the school of individual psychology. 

Kishimi and Koga base their book on the work of Adler. It is written in a captivating style of discussion between a teacher and a student. They use the Socratic method of dialogue to convey the teachings of Adler. The text focuses on how you can free yourself from past identities and limitations and how to embrace change. 

The Courage to Be Disliked was a phenomenon in Japan and has been translated into multiple languages, including English. The book is a short read that flows by effortlessly. It is a fascinating read and is worth checking out. 

I’m looking forward to reading their follow-up, The Courage to Be Happy

Movie of the Week:

The Martian

Astronaut, Mark Watney, is left behind on Mars during an emergency evacuation after his crew assumes him dead. He uses his skills and the supplies left to him to try and survive years in a scenario that was only supposed to last a couple of months. While battling with his situation and the elements to stay alive, Watney has to find a way to contact Earth and come up with a plan to make it home.

The Martian was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Motion Picture of the Year, Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role, and Best Writing – Adapted Screenplay. Matt Damon put in one of his best performances and was critical to the film’s success because of his immense presence on the screen. Ridley Scott directed the movie and used his vast experience to orchestrate all the components necessary for the final product. He had a run of poorly received films after American Gangster (2007), but he reminded critics and movie-goers of his talents behind the camera with 2015’s The Martian.

Drew Goddard adapted the screenplay from Andy Weir’s debut novel. Weir initially published the book in serial format, one chapter at a time on his website. He had a decent following from work he posted on his website, but his writing was a hobby at the time. Readers asked him to make The Martian available on Kindle, so Weir put it up for 99 cents. It quickly became a best-seller, and he later sold the rights to Crown Publishing Group. The success from the book and the movie allowed him to pursue writing full-time. His latest novel Project Hail Mary was released in May.

The Martian is one of my favorite feel-good movies. It has an excellent story and is visually stunning. The performances from all that were involved are wonderful. It is a fun film and one that should leave you smiling by the time the credits roll.

*The backstory on Andy Weir’s writing of The Martian is from a Q&A included on the Kindle version of The Martian

Brainfood of the Week:

Russell Brand’s interview with Eckhart Tolle on his podcast Under the Skin.

I’ve already discussed Russell Brand in my 2nd Sunday Supplement, so I’ll go right into a brief description for Eckhart Tolle.

Tolle is a spiritual teacher, public speaker, and best-selling author. His biggest endorsement probably comes from Oprah Winfrey. In 2008, she hosted a 10 episode web-series with Tolle based on his book, A New Earth. In a 2017 interview with him, she stated that what she learned from him “eliminated all stress from her life.”

Tolle has many other celebrity endorsements, but that isn’t always a positive for me. There are many celebrity-backed products that I don’t support and wouldn’t recommend to others. However, I’m glad that Tolle’s work has been highlighted by many.

In the podcast with Russell Brand, you get an idea of the kind of material Tolle teaches in his books. The interview is an enlightening discussion and one that made me a fan of Brand’s podcast. My issue with most interviews and podcasts is the host interrupting the guest. Brand gives great prompts to Tolle and lets him answer questions without interference. If you like the interview and want to check out more of Tolle’s work, I suggest checking out his YouTube page and his book The Power of Now.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

The Four Immeasurables – Buddhist Prayer

May everyone be happy,
May everyone be free from misery, 

May no one ever be separated from their happiness,
May everyone have equanimity, free from hatred and attachment.

The Four Immeasurables are a series of virtues in Buddhism. They are closely linked to meditation practices and are discussed in various Buddhist texts. The four virtues can be translated as— Loving-kindness, Compassion, Empathetic Joy, and Equanimity.

I’ve incorporated a mediation practice into my daily routine. It is something that helps me slow things down and puts me in a calm state. I do a little gratitude exercise before or after my meditation, which helps make positivity a habit. The difference in my days when I’m meditating vs. not meditating is why I’ve worked to make meditating a non-negotiable.

The above prayer is one I’ve been reflecting on lately. I encourage you to look into it and see the different variations and what they mean. It is a worthwhile exercise.

Have a blessed week ahead!

2021 © Drew Alexander Ross