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Tag: The Obstacle is the Way

Louise L. Hay, Siddhartha, The Fountain, Daily Stoic, and a Bhagavad Gita Passage

Sunday Supplement #185 (November 24th, 2024)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

Please take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for ‘we’ are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.”

– Louise L. Hay

Book of the Week:

Siddhartha – Herman Hesse

Herman Hesse’s 1922 novel tells the story of a wealthy Indian Brahmin who casts off a life of privilege to seek spiritual fulfillment.

The Indian Brahmin Siddhartha experiences homelessness, fasting, and meditation with his friend Govinda at the start of his journey. 

Siddhartha eventually takes his own path and pursues a partnership with a woman, Kamala, while attaining wealth. His final journey leads him on another pilgrimage to enlightenment.

Hesse’s classic novel meditates on various philosophies, including Eastern religions, Western individualism, and Jungian archetypes.

I highly recommend this novel for a meaningful exploration of purpose and balance in life.

Movie of the Week:

The Fountain

Oscar-nominated director Darren Aronofsky has had an incredible film career, with films such as Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler, Black Swan, and The Whale.

However, my favorite Aronofsky film remains The Fountain.

The film consists of three storylines involving a quest for immortality, a dying love, and a pursuit of avoiding fate in this life or the next.

One story is set in the Spanish Conquistador era, one in the present, and one in the 26th century. Each features versions of the same main characters portrayed by Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz.

The Fountain is a brilliant film that utilizes every element of the medium to craft a beautiful story.

Brainfood of the Week:

How Stoics Find Balance in Their Life | Daily Stoic

Ryan Holiday is a bestselling author, businessman, and podcaster. His YouTube Channel, Daily Stoic, has almost two million followers and features videos on Stoicism for modern times.

I featured Ryan Holiday’s book The Obstacle is the Way in Sunday Supplement #36 and another Daily Stoic video in Sunday Supplement #102.

In this video, Holiday discusses principles the Stoics followed that allowed them to find balance in their lives, including temperance, presence, and negative capability.

Holiday’s work, the Stoics, and this video are worth checking out.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“Content with whatever gains come of its own accord, and free from envy, they are beyond the dualities of life. Being equipoised in success and failure, they are not bound by their actions, even while performing all kinds of activities.”

– Bhagavad Gita 4:22

This Bhagavad Gita verse is an excellent reminder to find balance amidst life’s positive and negative experiences.

We cannot remove all negative experiences from our lives, but we can find a way to accept them and move forward.

If we overly attach ourselves to positivity, we can begin to avoid anything that could result in failure and fall victim to a hubris nature.

Instead, this verse reminds us to take things in stride and not get overly caught up in narratives around our actions.

Find balance and calm in your presence, and have a blessed week ahead!

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Gabrielle Bernstein, Man’s Search for Meaning, Drive My Car, Daily Stoic, and a Kenyan Proverb

Sunday Supplement #102 (April 23rd, 2023)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

Please take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“The way we experience the world around us is a direct reflection of the world within us.”

– Gabrielle Bernstein

Book of the Week:

Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor E. Frankl

Man’s Search for Meaning frequently appears whenever I peruse lists for best self-help books or similar searches on the most influential books ever published.

Viktor Frankl was a psychiatrist and a Holocaust survivor. His memoir Man’s Search for Meaning recounts his time in various concentration camps and what he learned.

In the book, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering, but we can choose how to cope, find meaning, and move forward with purpose.

Frankl’s theory of logotherapy (the primary human drive as the pursuit of meaning, not pleasure) is explained in the book.

Reading about Frankl’s experiences is enough for a recommendation of this book, but it also provides a perspective worth taking a look at.

Movie of the Week:

Drive My Car

The 2021 film Drive My Car won the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film and was nominated for Best Motion Picture of the Year, Best Achievement in Directing, and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Ryûsuke Hamaguchi wrote and directed the film about a renowned stage actor and director who learns to cope with a personal loss after accepting an offer to direct a production of Anton Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya.

Hamaguchi adapted the screenplay from Haruki Murakami’s collection of short stories, Men Without Women. Murakami is one of my favorite authors (although I’ve only featured him in Sunday Supplement #5), and this film brilliantly captures his writing.

The film explores themes of trauma, grief, guilt, and recovery in a way that honors Murakami’s writing and provides a special cinematic experience. 

I highly recommend checking it out.

Brainfood of the Week:

5 Life Changing Journaling Habits from the Stoics | Daily Stoic

The intro of this video is of Ryan Holiday discussing his journaling journey and the different prompts you can focus on for journaling.

Holiday then moves on to the video’s main focus, which is a general guide of five tips for journaling.

One of my favorite parts is when Holiday discusses the Anne Frank quote, “Paper is more patient than people.” He goes on to discuss the utility of journaling in this context.

I featured Ryan Holiday’s book The Obstacle is the Way on Sunday Supplement #36. His Daily Stoic YouTube channel has over a million subscribers. 

The video is worth checking out, and if you like it, check out more of his work.

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“He who refuses to obey cannot command.”

– Kenyan Proverb

This Kenyan proverb reminds me of the necessity and value of listening to others and keeping an open mind.

I sometimes find myself tuning out when someone offers advice or tells of their experience, which I don’t think has any connection with me.

When my mind wanders, I try to snap back to the present moment and listen without judgment. It’s in these moments that I find a connection.

I think it’s sometimes difficult to listen to others with an open mind, but I think it’s worth doing so even if you later reflect that there wasn’t something to gain.

The exercise of reflecting on ideas from outside ourselves helps us continue to grow and be open to new information.

Be open to new information, reflect on how we want to move forward, and have a blessed week ahead!

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Anne Frank, The Obstacle is the Way, Mrs. Doubtfire, Absolute Motivation, and a Japanese Proverb

Sunday Supplement #36 (January 16th, 2022)

Below is another Sunday Supplement with a quote worth sharing, a book worth reading, a movie worth watching, brainfood worth consuming, and a spiritual passage worth pondering.

I hope you take something away from these recommendations that enriches your week ahead!

Quote of the Week:

“Whoever is happy will make others happy too.” 

– Anne Frank

Book of the Week:

The Obstacle is the Way – Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday dropped out of college at 19 to apprentice under Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power. Holiday went on to advise multiplatinum musicians and bestselling authors. He is a media strategist and bestselling author whose campaigns have been used as case studies by Google, YouTube, and Twitter.

The Obstacle is the Way is Holidays bestselling book that breaks down Stoicism and the principles laid down by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

The book breaks down into three parts. The first discusses and analyses perception. The second focuses on action. And the third highlights will. Each has specific components that showcase the value of each term and how others used them to make their lives better.

The book’s subheading reads The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph.

Holiday’s guide to Stoicism with examples of the famous people who’ve used its practices (i.e., John D. Rockefeller, Amelia Earhart, Ulysses S. Grant, and Steve Jobs) is a brilliant read. A grain of salt should be added with the principles, but it is a self-help manual well worth putting on your list of books to read.

Movie of the Week:

Mrs. Doubtfire 

Robin Williams provided much joy to many people throughout his life. As an actor, Mrs. Doubtfire is arguably his best work.

The script, written by Anne Fine, Randi Mayem Singer, and Leslie Dixon, follows an actor after a bitter divorce and his attempts to spend time with his kids. He disguises himself as a female housekeeper and gains employment under his former wife to take care of the kids while she’s at work.

The movie brilliantly showcases both comedy and drama throughout. The story takes the complexity of the characters’ situations and doesn’t try to downplay the seriousness. Instead, the film focuses on the emotions of each scene while bringing out the absurdity and sadness in the right places.

Mrs. Doubtfire only received one Oscar nomination for Best Makeup. The film won the category, but it got snubbed in many other categories. The acting was superb from all involved, including Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan, Harvey Fierstein, Lisa Jakub, Matthew Lawrence, and Mara Wilson.

Chris Columbus directed this masterpiece, but Robin Williams steals the show. If you haven’t seen the movie, check it out. And if it’s been a while, it’s worth putting on the to-watch list again.

Brainfood of the Week:

Matthew McConaughey – This Is Why You’re Not Happy | Absolute Motivation

Absolute Motivation is a YouTube channel that aims to enhance the human experience by creating thought-provoking and actionable content that helps exercise, stimulate, and expand the mind and consciousness.

In this video, Absolute Motivation uses a speech from Matthew McConaughey that emphasizes the necessity of playing like an underdog and focusing on joy rather than happiness.

McConaughey is an Oscar-winning actor and philanthropist. His career and life journey is incredible and can be glimpsed through his memoir Green Lights

His speech explains how happiness can be an emotional response to an outcome and can be rooted in a cause and effect standard that we raise every time we attain it. Because happiness can become result-oriented, we can often be let down frequently and depressed.

However, we find joy in doing what we love, no matter the outcome. Joy is not a response but an experience and a constant process. And gratitude can be a shortcut to joy and can help your focus shift toward what you have, which grows.

Pursuing joy doesn’t mean ignoring failure. But, you can analyze and dissect what makes us happy and what makes us sad. We can see what helps us and what hurts us. Then we can move toward success and joy from what we learn.

McConaughey explains the importance of finding your priorities and getting rid of the things, places, and people that don’t serve those priories or drag you down from what’s meaningful to you. He expresses how vital it is to define what success means for you and to move in that direction.

Get rid of the excess and focus on what’s important to you. Give yourself a break and eliminate what doesn’t help you. 

Closing Spiritual Passage:

“The festival afterwards.” (後の祭り)

– Japanese Proverb

This Japanese proverb stands for not dwelling on something after the incident has already happened. Even if you regret something, the event has already passed, and it’s too late to change the outcome.

For me, this isn’t something sad. The proverb reminds me that, after processing the emotions, there isn’t any point in dwelling on the negatives. If I experience sadness when the scars get rubber, that’s okay. But I do get to choose how I move forward.

There is a lot of power in choosing how you want to view an event. Something sad or depressing will always be that way on one level, but you can also reframe the experience on another level and learn a valuable lesson.

The festival afterwards reminds me to find the silver lining in the cloud. The knowledge or perspective I gain can help me grow and find peace and happiness.

Find happiness in your perspective on life, and have a blessed week ahead!

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